DONATING Our relief work depends upon the generosity of those who support our work providing us with donations. Contributions made payable to Alderney Cancer Relief can be made in several ways and when details are provided will be duly acknowledged.
(a) PERSONAL CHEQUES Payable to Alderney Cancer Relief Please send to the Hon. Treasurer Alderney Cancer Relief, c/o Rockmount, Crabby, Alderney, Channel Islands, GY9 3XY When possible these will be acknowledged.
(b) ONLINE / INTERNET BANKING Payments to Alderney Cancer Relief Sort Code 30-93-73 Account no 33997260 Please reference with surname and post code.
(c) BANKERS ORDER To: The Hon. Treasurer Alderney Cancer Relief c/o Rockmount. Crabby Alderney. GY9 3XY
To: __________________________________ (Bank)
__________________________________ (Address)
Please pay the sum of £ each month/quarter/year* commencing
with the first payment on ________________________________ *Delete as appropriate
To the debit of Account No.: ________________________________